iCab Mobile - Web Browser

The Internet Taxi for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad

© 2009-2024 Alexander Clauss

iCab Mobile is on


iCab-supporting Apps

The following Apps are explicitly supporting iCab Mobile. For example they can open or forward web-pages in iCab Mobile instead of opening them in Safari. Especially because the iOS doesn't provide a way to change the default browser, this can be very important.

If you're a developer whose App supports iCab Mobile, or if you know of an App which supports iCab Mobile, please let me know. I'd be happy to add more Apps to the list below.

If you're a developer whose Apps does not yet support iCab Mobile, please consider doing so. It's very easy to do.

There are several ways you can call iCab Mobile to trigger an action or to open a web page. For example using the x-callback-url protocol or when using the AppLink protocol. AppLink can even enable iCab Mobile to support your App as well, in case your App is based on a certain web-based service (like for example Twitter, Facebook, Wikipanion, Blogs etc.)

iCab-unterstützende Apps

Die folgenden Apps unterstützten explizit iCab Mobile. Beispielsweise können diese Web-Seiten in iCab Mobile öffnen, bzw. an iCab Mobile weiterleiten, anstatt sie in Safari zu öffnen. Dies kann für den Anwender wichtig sein, da das iOS selbst leider nicht erlaubt den Standard-Browser (Safari) zu ändern.

Falls Sie ein Entwickler eines Apps sind, welches iCab Mobile unterstützt, oder solche Apps kennen, teilen Sie mir dies bitte mit. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ich hier noch weitere Apps auflisten könnte.

Falls Sie ein Entwickler sind, dessen Apps noch nicht iCab Mobile unterstützen, dann würde ich mich freuen, wenn sie es noch tun. Das ist mit Hilfe des x-callback-url-Protokolls oder des AppLink-Protokolls sehr einfach und in wenigen Minuten erledigt. AppLink ermöglicht es zudem, dass iCab auch automatisch Ihr App unterstützen kann, sofern das App auf einem web-basiertem Angebot aufbaut (wie z.B. Twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia, Blogs, usw.)

Launch Center Pro (iPhone, iPod Touch)

An App by AppCubby

Launch Center Pro is an App to create actions and shortcuts to specific features of Apps.

Using Launch Center Pro you can open iCab in many different ways to trigger certain actions, call iCab to download files, enter or leave the fullscreen mode initiate a search and much more.

myPhoneDesktop (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)

An App by jProductivity, LLC

myPhoneDesktop provides an easy and effective way to work with your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch directly from your desktop. Whether you need to make a phone call, send a long SMS, copy a large amount of text, send a long and complicated to retype URL, open route in mobile Google Map, or store an image on your iPad or iPhone, myPhoneDesktop streamlines your workflow.

myPhoneDesktop provides the ability to use iCab Mobile as alternative browser for opening URLs.

NewsTap (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)
NewsTap Lite (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)

An App by Alexander Clauss

NewsTap is a Usenet news reader for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. I provides an easy user interface to subscribe to usenet groups and to read and write articles in these groups.

NewsTap can pass web links and web pages to iCab Mobile. It can also directly bookmark web sites within the iCab Mobile Bookmarks.

Wikipanion (iPhone, iPod Touch), Wikipanion Plus (iPhone, iPod Touch)
Wikipanion (iPad), Wikipanion Plus (iPad)

An App by Robert Chin

Wikipanion provides an easy and comfortable way to search and read Wikipedia articles.

Wikipanion can pass external links within the Wikipedia but also the wikipedia article pages to iCab Mobile. If the Wikipanion App is installed on the device, iCab Mobile also provides an easy and comfortable way to pass wikipedia articles to the Wikipanion App. Whenever the user opens a wikipedia article in iCab Mobile, a new button appears within the URL field; and tapping on this button will directly open the article in the Wikipanion App.

SEP (iPhone, iPod Touch)

An App from the Stanford University

SEP provides an easy and comfortable way to search and read articles in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

SEP can pass external links within the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy but also the article pages to iCab Mobile. If the SEP App is installed on the device, iCab Mobile also provides an easy and comfortable way to call the SEP App whenever the user opens an article on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy web site in iCab Mobile. A button appears within the URL field; and tapping on this button will directly open the article in the SEP App.

Turing Machine Simulator (iPhone, iPod Touch)

An App by Alexander Clauss

The Turing Machine Simulator App can be useful for students of computer science and maths. The App simulates a Turing machine, you can write your own Turing programs and the App will execute and visualize the execution.

The App will simply open its support web page within iCab Mobile if it is installed.

Ch!Ear – Chord Ear (iPhone, iPod Touch)

An App by Lars Peters

Ch!Ear is an ear training App.

The App will open external links in iCab Mobile or in Safari.